Sprinkle Head
Originally uploaded by Elfleda.
I may witter on about nothing important and will often spell things in a manner you may not be used to. Do not expect to find the answer to any of the problems of the universe here as you will be disappointed. You may however find some things that may make you smile.
It was a great day to go to the Botanic Gardens yesterday - really cold and sunny so the light was great - we are back to cloudy again today though and I am on a mission to rid the house of dog hair - which may take all day so I probably won't get out with the camera.
Christmas is a-comin and I came across this Santa V Reindeer netball match on Christ Pieces yesterday afternoon.
The ceiling in Ely Cathedral - must have taken years to paint it, it is beautiful.
I discovered a hidden gem in my travels today - The Fellows Garden at Clare College - it is beautiful plus if you have a residents card (and I do) you can get in for free.
I took way too many pictures - if you are interested you can see them in my Flickr photo stream - the link is to the right.
This year summer in the East of England took place over the weekend of the 4&5 of August - naturally despite wearing sunblock and only being in direct sunlight for all of 20 minutes I got burnt!!! Well summer wouldn't be summer with out skin damage!
Normal weather for this year will, apparently resume on Monday.
Went to the annual Duxford Flying Proms last night.
Apart from the fact that it chucked it down it was fantastic as usual.
Happy birthday to my sister, whose birthday it is today.
Jelly and Icecream all round.
I'm back to work on Monday - so what is the weather like on the last day of my holiday???? It's gorgeous!
This picture was taken from the top of Pickering Castle which has been on the same site from at least the time of the Norman Invasion in 1066, the stone castle was completed in the 14th Century.
This was the weather in Whitby - rain, wind and very cold.
I am back to work next week so expect sun and heat.
This is how we got to Whitby yesterday for our trip to the seaside.
Train is part of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Of course the weather is bad............
But I am lucky that I have come up to Yorkshire, we have had a little rain, quite a bit of wind but on the whole not too bad. In Cambridge however I have heard that the rain has not stopped now for 3 days!
A couple of us spent a very nice lunchtime at Milton Country Park today - these are some of the residents.
They see you standing at the side and come rushing over - there is an expectation that food will be provided. Sadly this lot were disappointed.
After the driest April for years, May is turning out to be the wettest, it seems to have been raining now for over a week and the forecast seems to imply that this will continue.
I took this picture while taking a short cut from the Backs to Kings Parade - thank goodness for a residents card, the shortcut is free.
Came over all domestic goddessy at the weekend - House was cleaned, laundry done and real cooking, with raw stuff happened (these are the beginnings of the roasted veg)
I will try not to make a habit of it!!
Got a new camera the other day and took it with me when I took the dog out for a walk on Coldhams Common.
This shot worked out rather well I thought, it was tricky as Minnie kept moving and I had to call her back, then she looked at me as if to say "what the hell are you making me stand here for!"
Today we lost Henri, she had an great innings, she was a winter kitten not expected to live, was hand reared but in the end lived to the ripe old age of 20.
RIP Henrietta Rover.
I should have done a lot of things yesterday, cleaning, laundry etc. Instead I spent the morning wandering around Milton Country Park,- which is beautiful and I can't believe I have lived so close to it for years and never gone,- then in the afternoon I went and bought myself a new car!!!!!
I will be spending today working out how I am going to pay for it - GULP!!
The Ceanothus in the garden is just coming into bloom and looks beautiful.
Instead of wearing our red noses for Comic Relief we decided instead to customise them with random stuff that was hanging about the office and make little Red Nose People to decorate out monitors.
I took the hound for a walk today across Ditton Fields and then onto Stourbridge Common for a bit of a loon about.
It was the first day this year that really felt like spring which is fantastic as I am sick of winter and the dull days - bring on the sunshine.
I found this old picture of me an my Dad from I guess late 1970 early 71, it would have been taken in Hong Kong were my Dad was posted at the time.
How cool is this birthday card!!!
My sister made it for me using toothpicks to knit with (she doesn't recommed this as you get stabbed alot apparently)
A British Classic and delicious served with veg and gravy.
Today was a ridiculously warm day for February. I came across this guy having a feast of berries.
Winter finally arrived, we had the first snow last night, it had all gone in Cambridge by lunchtime but it was pretty while it lasted.
A fairly recent new resident of the market square in Cambridge. I guess he is supposed to lure people into the delights of the Cornish Pasty Company shop below.
As part of my trek down the road of spinsterhood I have taken up knitting and this is my first non scarf item - a ting cardi for my friends premature baby. Bless her she is now at around 4lbs.
Whats next on the road???? I think it is a lot of cats, which could be a problem with the dog!